Must have App for Parents- Cartoon HD

My friend recently posted about an app that allowed you to have access to hundreds of family movies for free. After talking to her I was skeptical about getting the app but I closed my eyes and clicked the install button. It installed on my phone and iPad in seconds and I was amazed at the movie selection that was suddenly at the tips of my fingers. Everything from Mary Poppins to Frozen is available on the app. The movies play instantly and quickly with no ads to interrupt your viewing. It even has the newest Game of Thrones episodes as well as the latest family blockbusters. The app is nothing short of amazing! I can’t tell you how this app gets access to all these movies and TV shows but I do know that it’s FREE and works efficiently. We even bought a cord to hook our iPad up to our TV so we can watch all the movies on a bigger screen. It’s an incredible find and I hope you enjoy watching tons of movies with your family. Here’s the link to download it: Cartoon HD




(*Warning: I’m not a computer wizard and in no way can I ensure this app will not give your computer a virus. I am recommending this app based on my own personal experience and am not responsible for any viruses or other computer issues that may arise after you install it.)

Don’t Mess with this Mommy today

I feel like I have been taken over by a monster. My fuse is shorter than short today and I seem to be on the verge of exploding on the next person that brings up something I don’t want to hear. It’s interesting the little things that can really make your crazy side come out.

The latest thing to set me off today was one of my girlfriends text me and asked me to coffee. I haven’t seen her in an extremely long time so I was thrilled to see her. After texting back and forth she later revealed that I wasn’t just meeting her for coffee but she had a new business (Arbon) she wanted to talk to me about. Seriously? I haven’t seen her for about four months and the first time she invites me to something it’s to attend a sales pitch? When I saw that text my face went hot. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe I was just generally annoyed with her but it got me fuming.

I realize that there is a stereotype that pregnant women are over emotional but overall I have been pretty consistent with my moods. However, on days like today it’s hard to tame the beast that’s inside me so I don’t lash out when situations such as the one I mentioned above come along. I had to take a few minutes to calm myself and try to move on. I’m hoping that my mood will get better as the day progresses but it’s funny how the demon inside you can pop it’s ugly head out of nowhere.

New Mommy Blog on the Block

I was one of those ladies that was determined to never start a mom blog. Mainly because I encounter several mom bloggers in my line of work and most charge for posting about your product, which leads me to believe their reviews aren’t honest. Companies don’t want to pay mom bloggers to write a negative post about their product so the blogger’s review is most likely biased and untrue. I never want to become like “those” mom bloggers but I do see a benefit in sharing my experiences with others. However, the community of moms on the web is so strong it’s hard not to want to be a part of it.

This is my second pregnancy. Tragically, my first pregnancy in January 2011 ended in a miscarriage at 7 weeks. It took almost an entire year for us to get pregnant again and just as my Dr. was just about to prescribe fertility testing, I got a positive. I couldn’t have been more shocked. I had more symptoms the weeks I wasn’t pregnant than I did the month I was. Needless to say, worry set in immediately. Since I had lost a child before I was mentally preparing myself that it could likely happen again. It took me several months, successful ultra sounds and doctor’s visits before I started believing that we were actually going to have a baby. I am almost 17 weeks along now and starting to feel more excited every day. I am not saying I don’t worry any longer but I at least am trying to enjoy the here and now.

On Friday we will find out the sex of the baby. We opted to get an outside ultra sound because my shower is on May 5th and we wanted to know before then. Plus my husband is too excited to wait for the 20 week ultra sound. We are really excited to see our baby on the screen. I must say that every time I go to an ultra sound I have extreme worry that there will be no heartbeat or the baby stopped growing. However, I am trying to stay positive. I believe I started to feel a few light kicks this week too so that brings me some comfort.I’m trying to take it one day at a time.

A little about me: I live in the Phoenix area with my husband. Right now my two dogs are my babies. My hobbies are writing, hiking, volunteering and trying my best to be artistic. Anything else you want to know just ask.